New Whitepaper

Live Action Capture for Immersive Media

IDEA Live Action Working Group is proud to announce the release of a new white paper on Photographic Live Action Capture for Immersive Media. The Working Group has been meeting regularly over the past eight months to research and investigate this important aspect of immersive content creation and to document its initial findings. The White paper is now available for download on Download Whitepaper Here

Live scenes are currently being captured through a variety of volumetric camera system, multi-camera arrays, light stages and through the use of computational processing of monocular and stereoscopic camera systems. These source files may be encoded in several different and novel ways, some of which have only recently been described in research literature. This IDEA report explores the various data formats and capture methodologies that are in use or proposed for live action capture, then assesses potential benefits and shortcomings of each. The eventual goal of this IDEA Working Group is to make specific recommendations and evaluations with considerations including device independence, storage, delivery, interoperability with other formats and eventually standardization.

Please download and review this new study from the IDEA web site today. We welcome feedback and questions on the white paper. Contact us at


IDEA Annual Strategy Meeting

Each year, members of the Immersive Digital Experiences Alliance (IDEA) convene to hear Progress Reports from each of the active Working Groups, and to participate in an open format to discuss strategic goals and priorities, asses market developments and lay the foundation for the next year’s work. Our working groups currently include the Media Format WG, Live Capture WG and Network Architecture WG – each of which has made significant progress over the past 12 months.

As with most meetings so far in 2021, our IDEA Annual Strategy Meeting will be held by virtually. It is coming up on May 18 and 19. If you’re already an IDEA member, we look forward to seeing you there. If you have been thinking about joining – now is the perfect time. Please read more at and contact us about signing up. There is still time to become a member and participate in this very productive and important annual event.


Non-Fungible Tokens are gaining popularity to manage digital content ownership – and IDEA’s Immersive Technology Media Format (ITMF) may be a key to enabling them.

Ownership of Digital Collectibles

With the future edging closer to volumetric and lightfield displays, a new dimension of digital art is soon to be unlocked. Advances in digital content creation (DCC) software and display hardware are enabling new art forms and possibilities of visual entertainment. However, there remains a question mark around the ownership of such forms of media. The answer lies on the blockchain.

The blockchain is an immutable, trustable, decentralized and distributed ledger allowing anyone the ability to query records (blocks). As a transaction occurs, a new block containing a cryptographic hash as a reference to the previous record and a timestamp is linked creating a chain. Read full article

Coming Up: ITMF Immersive Streaming Demo

The IDEA Network Architecture Working Group has been working diligently in preparation of a proof-of-concept demo of streaming media distribution using IDEA’s Immersive Technology Media Forma (ITMF). The lab demonstration, planned for September and presented virtually by webinar, is intended to showcase the streaming of 3D content over a network using a media-aware network protocol. The goals of this demo also include the use of split rendering functionality and an implementation of a network platform orchestrator to manage scene graphs and other file types. The details of this platform are now being finalized. The demo will be accompanied by a tutorial explaining the complete architecture of the work being conducted, as well as future work planned.<-

A new software reference toolset – itmflib – is also being introduced. This C++ reference code enables reading and writing of assets and metadata in ITMF container files through C++ and JavaScript programming interfaces based on the ITMF Container Specification. Please join the IDEA Mailing List to stay informed about the plans, and how you can participate in this important tech demo.

IDEA Establishes Liaison Relationship with MPEG

The Immersive Digital Experiences Alliance (IDEA) is proud to have established a “Type C” Liaison relationship with MPEG – the Motion Picture Experts Group – the internationally renowned alliance of working groups of ISO and IEC. The Liaison was affirmed by Joint Technical Committee 1 (JTC 1) at the April quarterly plenary meetings, and will be soon registered officially by ISO, the International Organization for Standardization.

This relationship opens up improved communication paths between the IDEA Working Groups, and MPEG Working Group 2 on MPEG Technical Requirements. MPEG members have significant experience in media encoding, including recent work in the MPEG-I Immersive standards. The IDEA team is looking forward to even stronger collaboration with MPEG in the understanding of industry needs for future media formats.